Tasmanian Government’s Justice Miscellaneous (Conversion Practices) Bill 2024

A Voice for Christian Education

Tasmanian Government’s Justice Miscellaneous (Conversion Practices) Bill 2024

AACS and CSA have submitted a joint response to the Tasmanian Government’s consultation on a Bill seeking to ban ‘conversion practices’ that attempts to change or eradicate the sexual orientation or gender identity of another person. 

In their submission, AACS and CSA indicated their support for legislation that would prohibit coercive practices directed to a person, without their informed and voluntary consent, for the purpose of changing the person’s sexual orientation. However, they also recommended that ‘gender identity’ be removed from any new law to ensure young people experiencing gender confusion or dysphoria can benefit from a range of evidence-based treatment options.

The concerns regarding the inclusion of gender identity within the Bill have been strengthened following the release by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists of updated guidance materials which recognises that in relation to treatment of children and adolescents that “[t]he risk of intervention needs to be weighed against the risk of non-intervention, in consideration of the individual circumstances.”

AACS and CSA also noted they were pleased to see the Bill expressly exclude 'the expression of an opinion, idea or belief, including a statement of religious principle or parental guidance’ from the definition of a conversion practice. 

Read the joint submission HERE